Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Prisoner's Log, Day 13: Post-traumatic stress disorder

The more I think about it, the more angry I'm getting about my testicles and tail. Why would someone want to steal them? I mean, the tail isn't such an issue (although it definitely made my wag more pronounced), but I was just beginning to enjoy having balls when they were cruelly confiscated. One minute they were there - the next minute, there they were ... gone! No wonder I'm so melancholy, and no small wonder either that food has become such a crutch.

A pet psychologist would have an absolute field day with me - how I long to go for counselling just for the chance to lie on the sofa, have my tummy stroked, and tell someone all about my puppyhood.

I demand my balls back! I know my rights!


  1. Murphy

    It is possible to get silicone implants these days, and no-one need know! Also, you can choose to go UP a size and therefore look even more manly than before! Give it some thought. Tail is more tricky....

    Solidarity, brother

  2. Oh if only I had the time and emotional energy to commit to cosmetic surgery! But, alas, all my efforts are concentrated on tracking down my beloved pets, and also to eating doggie treats to build up strength.

    It's a dog's life, it really is...

    But I thank you for your support. Send doggie treats! Pen a protest song! Keep my plight in the media!


  3. murphy!!

    your friends in ireland send you and inspirational rebel song!! beware, for the humans stole this song for u2's song, pride. the origins, however, are purely canine and relate to the great doggie-treat rights movement of '68.

    we are with you!! and are sending doggie treats!! keep the faith!!

    One dog come in the name of love
    One dog come and go
    One come he to justify
    One dog to overthrow

    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love

    One dog caught on a barbed wire fence
    One dog he resist
    One dog washed on an empty beach.
    One dog betrayed with a kiss

    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love

    (nobody like you...)

    Early morning, peaceful still
    Treats are stolen from a dog so brave
    Human foes, they took your treats
    They could not take your pride

    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love...
