Monday, 7 December 2009

Prisoner's Log Day 11: They are harvesting my DNA

Every day I feel like I'm getting one step closer to finding out what these fiends really want from me - but for every step forward I take, I seem to take at least three steps back.

They are still plying me for information about Good Boy (the questions! the constant questions!) but I stoically refuse to reveal any information, no matter how many treats I am fed. But it seems that information isn't the only thing they are after. I have observed for some time now that Beard Man is collecting ... shall we say ... samples... from me. On each and every morning walk, and sometimes on our afternoon walks too - I answer a call of nature, and he collects it in a bag. What can he possibly hope to achieve by this? How on earth can this help him with his plans for world domination? Is he sending it to my pets in Disney trying to get some sort of ransom out of them?

Really, I'm finding this an enigma wrapped in a bloody difficult puzzle.

Humans - who'd have 'em?


  1. Murph, we know you are desperately missing your hoomans but I for one am going to do my bestest to keep them from you, we need your constant musings. Treats are on the way from the UK. Woof Woof Grrrrr!

  2. do your bestest to keep them from me? Are you the kidnapper? Do you know why they've been collecting my doggie-poops? I DEMAND answers!

  3. Murphy my man .... I'm in Sydney, if you need any help with your cunning plan, I'm ya gal!!

    Luff Lady
